Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Favorite Halloween

Last year on Halloween I went to Josh O’Keefe’s house in Canyon Ridge to go trick-or-treating. I had a stupid blow up horse costume that I didn’t want to wear. I was carrying the costume up to the front door and the fan dropped from the rest of the costume and broke. I thought had got a free break from wearing the costume but lucky me Mr. O’Keefe knew how the join the wire back together. So I had to wear the costume for about 3 houses, but then I changed into a basketball player. Josh was dressed up in his tigger costume for the night. We went to many houses getting a lot of candy, but then we met up with Zach Carnovale and Josh Barrett. They were both dressed up as football players. So Josh, Zach, Josh, and I went trick-or-treating for the rest of the night. We went to many more houses getting so much candy. We went around the neighborhood twice, getting candy from people twice. The four of us were going by Josh’s house to get some candy and there was his brother Jon with one of his friends. He had a paintball gun and Josh Barrett was so amused with it. We took the candy and started walking to the next house. Then out of nowhere Jon yelled he was going to shoot us and we started running. All you could hear was Jon shooting the gun and Josh B. falling on the ground. Jon had actually hit Josh B. with the paintball. Josh was laying on the ground whining and Jon ran over and was amused that he had hit him. Jon said he was sorry and we continued on trick-or-treating. When we got to Zach’s house his sister came out and wanted to go in the other development across the street. Josh and I were tired so we started heading to his house. When we got to his house our parents were talking so we dumped out our candy from our pillowcases. I had so much candy I didn’t know how

I could eat it all. We watched a little bit of Halloween then my mom took me home. There was still 15 minutes left for trick-or-treat when I got home so I sprinted from house to house, getting the last remains of the candy. It was 8:00 and trick-or-treating was over so I went home. I weighed my candy and I had 7 Pounds! I knew I could never eat that much so I froze the candy I still have not eaten it all. Last year’s Halloween was by far my favorite Halloween ever. 447 words

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Favorite Fall Activity

There area many different activities I enjoy when I have spare time in the fall. One of my favorite fall activities is playing basketball. Basketball is also one of my favorite things to do year round. I guess you would consider basketball a winter sport, but it starts in the fall and is my favorite activity for both seasons. I started playing basketball in 1st grade and just kept on playing until this year in 7th grade. The main objective of basketball is to shoot the basketball into the hoop. You must dribble the ball up and down, and if you don’t it is called traveling. There are also many other rules that you must obey to play. There can be 5 people from each team on the court at a time. There are different positions for those players. The positions are called point guard, power forward, shooting guard, and center. When I play I normally play the position of center or power forward. Basketball is my favorite fall activity because it requires precise actions by each team member to score and play defense. I also like it because I get to spend time with my friends and family. But the main reason I enjoy basketball is because I am good at it. I enjoy playing competitive basketball between schools instead of playing in the driveway with my friends. I like competitive more because there are rules and nobody can cheat. I also like it because there is a coach telling us what to do instead of all of the kids arguing over what to do. When I play basketball I feel very determined to do my best. When I do not do my best I  feel discouraged, then I think about how I can play better the next time. Basketball is by far my favorite activity to do in the fall. It is also one of my favorite year round activities. 321 words

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sameness and differences

The topic “Sameness and Differences” is a very interesting topic. There are many different opinions about what is good about it and what is bad about it. A few good things about sameness and a few bad things about difference are there is no bullying, racial or religious discrimination, starvation, war, sadness, anger, and hate in that world. You are also not pressured to do things better then other people, because you all have to do everything the same and in order. The good things about difference and the bad things about sameness is that there are no choices for people to make. In the real world if you wanted to be an astronaut, you could train and only focus on becoming an astronaut, and get to be one when you finally after all of your hard work. But in this dull boring world in the Giver, there is no color, love, or feelings. There are no beautiful sunsets, or snow-topped mountains for people to enjoy, or warm sunny beaches for people to relax on. There is also no love for when you are sad and injured, or no anger or frustration when something goes horribly wrong. That is why I think sameness would be a bad choice for the world to make.

         For the utopian society in the Giver to be perfect there are some changes that could be made. One thing they should give back to the people is color on objects other than humans. That will make thinks beautiful again but keep racial discrimination under control. They should let people be a family with whom they want to be, but only allow them to have two children, which will keep the population near a set number. For choosing a job they should let the smartest person in each class choose their job, 2nd smartest, 3rd smartest, and so on. That will inspire children to work hard in school and give some people the job they want. A combination of grades and test scores should determine who is the smartest in the class. There are many other changes to be made that would make the society in the Giver perfect. 364 words.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If I would have a million dollars I would invest it in a hybrid car company. After 30 years it would be worth 10 million dollars. Then I would buy a ferrari at .5 million dollars. Secondly I would buy a 6 million dollar hillside estate in Beverly hills, which would leave me with 3.5 million dollars. I will spend 1 million dollars on stuff to fill my house with, like T.V.s appliances, and fancy clothes. I would also pay for maid service. After I'm done with my shopping spree, I would put the rest into the bank and save it until I'm old. When i would die, my will would give all of my possesions and money to a charity. That is what I would do with a million dollars .